Love Teeth Day 2018/2019


個 人 資 料 Personal Information

收 據 資 料 Information for Receipt

# 每套愛牙日禮包捐款滿一百元或以上之捐款人,可獲發正式收據。
Official receipt will be issued for any donation of HK$100 or above per Love Teeth Day Pack.

備 註 Remarks
1. 愛牙日禮包數量有限,以先到先得方式處理。
Love Teeth Day Packs are available on a first-come, first-served basis while stocks last.
2. 請將善款存入公益金設於中國銀行(香港)之賬戶: 012-874-0-008588-4。
Please deposit the cash in The Community Chest’s bank account at Bank of China (Hong Kong) account 012-874-0-008588-4.
3. 劃線支票抬頭請書寫「香港公益金」。
Please send a crossed cheque made payable to “The Community Chest of Hong Kong”.
4. 請將櫃員機收據、劃線支票或銀行入數紙交回公益金辦事處。
Please return the ATM transfer slip, crossed cheque or original bank-in slip to the Chest office.
5. 公益金稍後將聯絡 閣下到公益金辦事處領取愛牙日禮包。
The Chest will contact you for the collection of Love Teeth Day Pack at the Chest office.

地址 : 香港灣仔告士打道三十九號
電話 : 2599 6112   傳真: 2506 1201
電郵地址 :
Contact us
Address : Unit 1805, 18/F, Harcourt House
39 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
Telephone : 2599 6112   Fax: 2506 1201
Email :

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