Press Releases
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Supports The Community Chest in Distributing Care Kits to the Needy Starting This Week
As the novel coronavirus continues to rag, Bank of China (Hong Kong) generously donated HK$13 million to the Chest for novel coronavirus relief. This initiative includes the distribution of 50,000 Care Kits to the underprivileged. Representatives of The Community Chest took time to participate in packing the Care Kits.
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The Community Chest Campaign Committee Chairman Dr Simon Kwok (2nd right) and Co-Chairman Dr John C C Chan (3rd right), Vice Patron Mr Leon Lai (4th right), Executive Committee Members Dr Edward W Y Cheung (3rd left), Mr Pong Kin Yee, Paulo (2nd left) and Mr Stanley Sun (1st right) gathered to pack the Care Kits for the needy.

The Community Chest Campaign Committee Chairman Dr Simon Kwok (1st right) and Co-Chairman Dr John C C Chan (1st left), Executive Committee Members Dr Edward W Y Cheung (2nd left) and Mr Stanley Sun (2nd right) put the surgical masks into the Care Kits.

The Community Chest Vice Patron Mr Leon Lai supports the Chest’s charity work throughout the years.

The Community Chest Vice Patron Mr Leon Lai (left) and Campaign Committee Chairman Dr Simon Kwok (right) contributed their precious time to help pack the Care Kits, so that the kits can reach those in need in the shortest time.

The Care Kits supported by Bank of China (Hong Kong) contain an assortment of surgical mask, hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial spray, 1 kg rice bag, vitamin C tablet and immunity-boosting soup pack. The kits will be distributed through the Chest’s member agencies.